Ah yes...to all of you who have been faithfully stopping by my blog, many thanks to you!
Indeed, it has been a while since I updated this blog. Why? Well, lethargy is one reason. The new kid in the house can be another. And of course, there is work and church stuff....but of course there is also the part time studies I am involved in.
Am I mad, committing myself to so many things?
Well, let's just say that I kinda like a full life.
Let me take this time to share with you some insights I have truly learnt through the course of this year. These insights were probably head knowledge to me in the past, but I can truly share these thoughts from first hand experience. You may not agree with them, and that is fine. But if you find them useful or interesting, would be glad to hear from you:
1) Work hard 20% of the time. But work smarter 80% of the time
2) Efficiency should be used wisely
3) Paper qualifications are quite useless, really
4) Try hard as you may, work and human emotions cannot be separated from each other
5) In life, its all about people
6) Determination usually gets you what or where you want. If your dream is worth pursuing, just be ready for the long haul
7) Try not to know too much. Just know enough
8) It's ok not to know what your next step or plan is
9) The highest form of manipulation is when your opposition thinks that he has manipulated you, but in actual fact, you are manipulating him
10) Many times, we need our enemies more than we need our friends
Disclaimer: Do take the above with a pinch of salt. The above do not always apply to all situations.