Yes, I never thought that this day would come --- the fact that an African American could be voted the president of the United States.
I used to spend some time in the US some years back and it really opened my eyes, having seen racial discrimination against the blacks personally. Many Singaporeans, or many people around the world, still see the US through their Hollywood lenses, courtesy of their telly. But the United States, in reality, is a really different place. And while this topic is not often touched upon, racism is well and alive in the US.
I was in Boston, MA, in May this year for a course. I spent some time chatting with them on the presidential election and we spoke about Obama and McCain.
"You know what?" I began, "My friends in Singapore and I think that Obama would make a really good president, but we really fear for his life."
"Oh! We all expect that he will be martyred," replied an African American lady course mate.
But what surprised me most was the nonchalance in which she replied.
Having started the conversation on politics, more people started joining in the conversation. Very soon, we were a mixture of whites, blacks and yellow --- yes, yellow would be me.
Interestingly, all in the group were democrats and they agreed in unison that Obama's life would be in dire danger if he becomes President.
"Then why does he still want to pursue this?" I thought aloud.
"It's because he just wants to and he has to," came the swift reply from the same black lady.
And that just sums it all up.
"...because he has to".
That to me is profound.
I would have wanted to spend some time explaining about America's past, but I believe one can easily check it on wikipedia.
The fact that Americans can cast off the shadow of their undignified past and forge ahead to embrace such a dramatic change speaks volumes of a country where only the American dream can be achieved.
President Obama's victory speech was just aired on the TV, and like many in the audience, I have to admit that I was spellbound by his speech. It is extremely rare that you can find someone who speaks with such conviction, ease and authority.
And so to President Obama, you have a tough job on your hands, a very tough job. I trust your ability to make wise decisions that will affect the whole world. But I pray that the good Lord will sustain your life throughout your presidential terms, as He only can.