So you see, I have been away from my blog for the longest time.
Those of you who ever so often popped by to see if I have updated anything, but in vain, I do extend my humblest apologies and profuse gratitude to my ever faithful fans...which amounts to about two of you, I think.
It was indeed quite puzzling to see the readership go from 50 hits a week to an all time low of 15 a week and then for some strange reason, over the past week, it went back up to 45 a week. In any case, this is my warm up banter before I share with you on my new baby supplies online business (together with some very visionary partners)!
Yes, in times like these, one needs to take some calculated risks, and so here we go!
The website is meant to fulfill three things:
a) It is Singapore's 1st Online Baby Registry
What is a baby registry?
Well, know what a bridal registry is? Pretty much the same. We get couples who are pregnant (yes guys, the correct term is that you and your wife are pregnant...don't ask me why!) and ask them to choose items from our list of products. They show this list to their friends who want to get them presents when the baby is born. That way, beaming parents will not be getting 10 boxes of chicken essence and 3 baby strollers. Nifty idea from my wife =)
b) We will try using various products ourselves before we sell them
Yes, poor kid of mine will be the lab rat for the benefit of every newborn out there. But really, we will try our best to test out various products on our kids and if we think it is fab, we will show you our stamp of approval!
c) Online resource
We have realised that many mothers-to-be yearn for information from experienced moms. While all advice should be taken with a pinch of salt, we would like to be known as a reliable source for really useful advice.
And oh, one more thing.....
I'll be blogging about fatherhood on the blog, where time permits!
It's not often you will have a dad do this. But think of it as sharing my fatherly love to the world. (On a more scrupulous note, it is a really good unique selling proposition)
Check it out at www.babywishes.com.sg