12 December 2006

Welcome to the 'Upgraded Blog' of Paul Lim

Yes! I believe that I have been longsuffering enough with blogging with Yahoo. Afraid that it has been giving me quite a few problems. Not to mention that it is not that user friendly after all. The only thing that I appreciated about Yahoo's blogging portal was that it tracked the number of visitors to my blog (wonder if this site has the same tracking function).

Anyway, if you are feeling all nostalgic about my past entries, feel free to check it out! The link is located on the right of this page.


1 comment:

dillydally said...

hey paul, you should transfer your old entries to this new blog of yours when you have time. you can 'backdate' your blog - i dont' quite know how to explain it but you can still keep the original date of your entries...if u know what i mean...
and i think they do track the number of visitors of your blog...
and i came here to tell you...your blog gives me endless mirth...